Vitamin C Cancer Treatment: Can Vitamin C Prevent and Treat Cancer?

By Arturo Galindo, Cert. Nutritional Therapist

A vitamin c cancer treatment can be a powerful weapon to fight and heal from cancer. Do you know someone with cancer? This can be valuable information for them.

Vitamin C can also help you prevent cancer. Are you concerned about hereditary factors or increased risk due to bad habits?

But what is cancer?  How do people get cancer?  Can you “cure” cancer?  How exactly can vitamin C helps fight and prevent cancer? Why is your doctor not aware? 

In this article, I help answer all these questions and more.  

You can eat all the “super-foods” with the highest concentrations of vitamin C on the planet, but your body most likely needs much more.

Vitamin C Cancer Treatment: Can Vitamin C Prevent and Treat Cancer?

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Important:  Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is more than a vitamin.
Why? It regulates many functions in your body to make sure they're doing their best job in keeping you healthy!

What is Cancer?

Dr. Linus Pauling defines cancer as a disease where some of the body cells change their DNA... and they start to look like cancer cells instead of normal body cells.

Let me explain...

Your body has trillions of cells and each cell has a specific function. Brain cells, skin cells, liver cells, breast cells, and so on.

And there's a "cement" substance that holds the cells together.  This is key to understand the value of vitamin C.  More on that below. Keep reading.

These normal cells divide to create new children's cells, while other cells die... for example, brain cells have children cells who look like brain cells while other brain cells die, and so on.

If you’re healthy, your body controls this process.  It makes sure that the number of cells created never exceeds the top ceiling that your body can handle. (around 10 trillion cells).

Some cells rebel and escape this mechanism that your body uses to keep them under control. 

These renegade cells look different than other normal cells in your body because of their DNA changes. They don’t look like normal body cells... they look like malignant cancer cells. 

Cancer cells may travel to other parts of the body and have more children. They may continue to replicate and take over other parts of the body. They deplete the body of important nutrients to continue their uncontrolled growth.

But it’s likely that every person has cancer cells in them. 

If you have a healthy body and immune system, your body will keep these cancer cells under control. 

If you have cancer, you need to help your body increase its natural resistance. One of the best ways to do this is to use a vitamin C cancer treatment.

Why do People get Cancer?

There are people that have certain hereditary tendencies to cancers. Other people may have increased risk, for example, if you smoke your risk of lung cancer increases.

But many people believe most cancers today are the result of the pollution of our environment... which affect the DNA of your cells. 

Some examples are:

  • The contaminated water we drink. For example, the long term effect of fluoride in water
  • The processed food we eat. This includes the use of antibiotics, steroids, and so on.
  • The chemicals and pesticides used in agriculture.  An example is roundup pesticide.
  • The polluted air that we breathe. This includes gas emissions and substances used in weather modification programs... such as aluminum.
  • The toxic pharmaceutical drugs that we use. This includes many chemicals, toxic substances used in most drugs, including vaccines.

This is plenty of evidence to support this theory. 

Some recent examples include:

  • Losartan drug for high blood pressure was recently recalled.  The FDA found carcinogenic substances.
  • Ranitidine drug for acid reflux was recently recalled. The also found carcinogenic substances.
  • Roundup pesticide causes cancer. It's a glyphosate-based herbicide that most farmers use to grow food. 

Now, most likely cancer cells accumulate over time.

Think about all the people who have been exposed over the years to harmful products, food, drugs, and so on. 

This means that your body needs to be healthy enough and strong enough to fight cancer cells and keep them under control.

Can you “cure” Cancer?

Cancer is not cured...but you can control it. 

How do you control cancer?  By helping your body increase its natural resistance mechanisms. 

As I mentioned above, there's a cement substance that "holds" the normal cells in your body together. 

This cement or glue needs to be strong. Why?  Because a strong cement stops malignant cancer cells from spreading.  

It contains two substances called glycosaminoglycans and collagen

They both help to make the cement of connective cell tissues strong.. like steel rods that help make the concrete strong in a building.

Here's the thing.  

Cancer cells release two enzymes or substances called hyaluronidase and collagenase... and they weaken the cement of normal cells.  

If the cement is weak, cancer cells take over normal cells and continue to replicate.

And now the interesting part.

Enter Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, or ascorbate.

Vitamin C to Prevent Cancer

Cancer patients have very low vitamin C in the blood... and one of the benefits of vitamin C is that it reduces the risk of cancer. 

The problem is that you can eat a lot of vitamin c super-foods but your body may need much more in the form of vitamin C supplements.

What we need is proof of the therapeutic use of supplemental vitamin C to prevent and fight cancer. 

The great news is that we already have this proof... and we've had it for several decades from many experts. Experts who dedicated their lives to research and use ascorbic acid. 

Among the experts are Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron. They both made important discoveries about the value of vitamin C in cancer back in the 1970s.

Dr. Pauling is a two-time Nobel Prize winner. Dr. Ewan Cameron is a surgeon with over 30 years of experience in the treatment of cancer patients... and was also the Director at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine.  

The book Cancer and Vitamin C document their findings, and here is a summary: 

Vitamin C protects the cement that keeps your cells together

In 1971, Dr. Cameron found that vitamin C triggers the production of the substance hyaluronidase inhibitor in normal cells. 

This substance prevents cancer cells from attacking the inter-cellular cement of normal cells.

Vitamin C strengthens the cement that keeps your cells together

Around the same time, Dr. Pauling found that the body needs enough vitamin C to produce enough collagen. 

Enough collagen makes the inter-cellular cement of normal cells strong.

Vitamin C makes the immune system strong

The immune system helps the body to tell the difference between normal cells and other cells ... such as bacteria or malignant cells.  

It acts as a police force, patrolling the body and checking all cells.

This is why people with weak immune systems are prone to certain cancers.

Vitamin C helps the body produce immunoglobulins or antibodies (types IgG and IgM). And more vitamin C means more antibody production.

Vitamin C cancer treatment

Cancer patients often have a weak immune system and very low levels of vitamin C. 

The simplest and safest way to make their immune systems more effective is to take more vitamin C.

Ewan Cameron treated 500 patients with advanced terminal cancer using a vitamin C cancer treatment.  

Here are his findings:

  • Vitamin C improved the state of well-being. It also improved appetite, increased mental alertness, and less need for pain-killing drugs.
  • Patients treated with ascorbate lived 10 months longer than other patients who were not given vitamin C... and 22 percent of those living longer than one year.
  • Vitamin C reduced the pain of patients from the use of narcotic drugs in advanced cancers... to the point where heroin or morphine was no longer needed

A vitamin C cancer treatment is much more effective when it starts as early as possible. The longer the wait, the less effective it is.

Irwin Stone dedicated 40 years of his life to research vitamin C...  and found that vitamin C makes the immune system more effective. It’s an activator of the glandular systems of your body. 

Vitamin C can attack poisons including cancer... assuming you always have enough vitamin C in your blood.

A Vitamin C cancer treatment research study

The US National Library of Medicine published a study in 2018 about Intravenous Vitamin C Cancer Treatment ... to identify the current gaps in the knowledge of this amazing substance. 

Here’s a summary of the findings from the study:

  • Cancer patients have lower vitamin C levels
  • Intravenous vitamin C is the preferred option to administer vitamin C to cancer patients
  • Intravenous vitamin C is safe
  • Intravenous vitamin C works synergistically with chemotherapy and radiation
  • Intravenous vitamin C can reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs and improve the quality of life

Vitamin C Cancer Treatment Clinics

There are many alternative clinics that have a vitamin C cancer treatment. And most of them also use other non-toxic cancer therapies.

Here are some of them:

  • Riordan Clinic with several locations in Kansas, USA.  
  • Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico
  • Hope4Cancer in Tijuana, Mexico
  • Rowensu Clinic in Santa Rosa, California, USA. 

There are vitamin c cancer treatment clinics across the world... including Germany, China, Switzerland, and many others. 

A good resource for vitamin C cancer treatment clinics in the USA is the Cancer Cure Foundation  

Here's the protocol for the use of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer.

Why your doctor may not be aware of the value of vitamin C against cancer

It’s unbelievable that many doctors are not aware of the value of vitamin C to prevent chronic disease... and the value of vitamin C cancer treatment.

But you can help increase awareness by pointing your doctor to the evidence. 

There's a huge misconception that large doses of vitamin C are dangerous... and that doses larger than the RDA offer no value against any diseases. 

Doctor’s are not to blame.  They are busy taking care of patients and do not have time to read medical and scientific literature... and consider the possibility that other alternative treatments may have value.

So what do doctors do? 

They rely on the medical and nutritional authorities... who are in large part influenced by Pharmaceutical companies in many different ways.

Enter the Food and Nutrition Board who issues RDA values for vitamins and minerals.

The RDA values are set large enough to prevent nutritional vitamin deficiency diseases. Scurvy for vitamin C. beriberi for vitamin B1, pellagra for vitamin B3, and so on. 

Nutritional values prevent vitamin deficiency disease.

Therapeutic values prevent disease in the long term... but those would compete with drugs. 

Many experts think the Food and Nutrition Board has a clear bias towards vitamins. 

The Board is not willing to examine the evidence on the therapeutic value of the proper use of vitamins, including vitamin C... and they select only medical and scientific references that it needs to support its bias.  



  • Pauling L., Cameron E. (1993) Cancer and Vitamin C
  • Stone, I. (1972) The Healing Factor, Vitamin C Against Disease

By Arturo Galindo
Certified Nutritional Therapist

I have used vitamin C and nutrition for over 10 years to end my chronic diseases and help my family stay healthy. Learn about our story.

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